The ASA does not handle complaints as it is not a regulatory body and does not have the power to take regulatory action against sonographers.
In Australia, where a complaint can't be resolved through the service provider complaints should be referred to the Health Complaints Commissioner:
| Health Services Commissioner (within the ACT Human Rights Commission) |
NT |
SA |
WA |
Incorrect Medicare claiming Complaints
Incorrect Medicare claiming and other concerns can be raised with the Government via the Health Provider Benefits Integrity Hotline by phone on 1800 314 808, or through the Online Form.
New Zealand
If a patient has a complaint about a sonographer that cannot be resolved through the employer, they should be referred to the Health and Disability Commissioner of New Zealand can be contacted to record and investigate the complaint.
If another health professional has a concern about a sonographers conduct or practice, they should raise this directly with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board.