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Women's Health   

Devonport Travelling Workshop | Fetal Heart | 25 Nov 23

  25 Nov 2023  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

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Session 1

  • An update on second trimester heart screening, what should we check?
  • The first trimester heart scan, rescan or refer?

Session 2

  • Scanning single ventricle heart defects, where do I start?

Session 3

  • Screening with the 3-vessel tracheal view (3VTV). What is important?

This workshop will include live scanning of the fetal heart. 

12-15week gestation & 18-24 week gestation 


Dr Ann Quinton, FASA

Dr Ann Quinton is a senior sonographer at Perinatal Ultrasound, Nepean Hospital, NSW Australia and Associate Professor at CQUniversity, Sydney, NSW Australia.

Ann teaches advanced fetal echocardiography in the Be Different Masters program at CQU and research skills. 

Partners and Supporters


Paranaple Convention Centre, Aberdeen Room – Level 2, Market Square, 137 Rooke St, Devonport TAS 7310

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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