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General   Women's Health   

Mackay Travelling Workshop | 16 November

  16 Nov 2024  8:30 AM - 3:00 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

This is not the end(o) just the beginning.

The Australasian Sonographers Association is delighted to announce an Endometriosis Focused Travelling Workshop in Mackay, featuring renowned Chief Sonogrpaher Gillian Profaca.

This event promises to be a unique and highly sought after learning opportunity.

Why Attend a Travelling Workshop?

Expert Speakers: Gain insights from Sonography leaders and experts who will share the latest trends, best practices, and innovative approaches.

Interactive Workshops: Participate in a hands-on workshop designed to provide practical skills and knowledge that you can immediately apply in your professional practice.

CPD Points: Earn valuable CPD Points that contribute to your professional growth and career advancement.

Proudly Sponsored by: 

ASA Member: $50 (please log in to receive the member's price) 
Non Member: $270


To secure your spot at this must-attend event, please click on the link below to complete your registration.


Non member $270.00 (GST incl.) Register
  Members, please log in to register.


Live Scanning will be conducted through the day

Session 1

  •  Introduction
  • Appreciating different forms of endometriosis
  • The ovaries  the medial compartment
  • Endometriomas using  IOTA classification

Session 2

  • Adenomyosis using MUSA classification
  • Anterior Compartment
  • Understanding the Parametrium (and why it’s important)
  • Case studies

Session 3

  • The Posterior Compartment
  • The POD and sliding signs
  • Anterior Rectum


Gillian Profaca - Chief Sonographer, OMNI ultrasound Sydney

Gillian still enjoys working as a sonographer and has been scanning for over 25 years. 
She is currently in chief sonographer at OMNI ultrasound in Sydney, this is a specialist gynaecological practice with a major focus on endometriosis and a tertiary referral centre for complex gynaecological cases.

Gillian completed her master’s in medical ultrasound, and is passionate about education in ultrasound and advancing ultrasound skills.

Gillian continues to contribute to journal articles and present at national and international conferences.

Partners and Supporters


CQUniversity Mackay Ooralea - 151-171 Boundary Rd, Ooralea QLD 4740 - Building 6/G0.3

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Non member : $270.00

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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