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General   Vascular   

Mandurah Travelling Workshop | 19 October

  19 Oct 2024  8:30 AM - 3:00 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

Vascular Abdominal Ultrasound

The Australasian Sonographers Association is delighted to announce that Mr. Greg Curry, Senior Sonographer in the Melbourne Monash Health Network, will be presenting a Vascular Abdominal Ultrasound Travelling Workshop in Mandurah, WA.

The workshop will feature highly valuable live scanning sessions throughout the day, including demonstrations and expert tips on ovarian and pelvic veins, as well as abdominal arterial ultrasound. Topics covered will include post-EVAR AAA, mesenteric arteries, and renal arteries.

Proudly Sponsored by: 

ASA Member: $50 (please log in to receive the member's price) 
Non Member: $270

Non member $270.00 (GST incl.) Register
  Members, please log in to register.


8:30am       Registrations open
9:00am       Ovarian and pelvic vein ultrasound 
10:30am     Morning Tea
10:45am     Post AAA EVAR (including CEUS)
12:15pm     Lunch
1:00pm       Mesenteric Arteries
2:00pm       Renal Arteries
3:00pm      Workshop concludes

*Times may be subject to change


Mr Greg Curry -  Senior Sonographer in the Monash Health network, Melbourne

Mr Greg Curry is a senior sonographer in the Monash Health network in Melbourne where he has been the vascular ultrasound supervisor since 2013.
This role involves developing and maintaining vascular ultrasound protocols, research and quality projects, auditing, training and education.
Beyond vascular ultrasound, Greg enjoys ongoing involvement in all other areas of general ultrasound particularly paediatrics and abdominal imaging.
He has been a contributor at various state and national meetings and has a passion for improving patient outcomes through collaboration with clinical specialists and ongoing education.

Partners and Supporters


Seashells Mandurah, 16 Dolphin Drive Mandurah WA 6210 - Ward Room

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Non member : $270.00

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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