Registration to attend this event will open closer to the date.
The ASA Victoria Branch warmly invite you to a fun evening of socialising and learning!
This is a great opportunity to hear your colleagues present those interesting cases that confounded and amazed!
Or perhaps to present a case study yourself? Whether it was simple or complex - if you found it interesting, then your colleagues will too!
This is a great opportunity for both new & experienced presenters to share their experience in a friendly environment & gain CPD points.
Earn valuable CPD points for presenting a case study
10 CPD points = 10 ASAR credits
We will be presenting some fun awards for the most interesting cases, as well as best first-time presenters on the night!
The ASA is offering members a prize for the Best Case presentation. If your presentation is selected, you will win a 30% discount on registration to an ASA International Conference.
If you would like to present a case study (max. 5 mins), please register your interest with the Vic Branch Committee via
ASA Members - Free
Non-members - $25
1.12, 1.09, 1.16, ultrasound labs level 6; CQUniversity Melbourne, 120 Spencer Street Melbourne VIC 3000
ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000