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Awards of Excellence Winners 2024

The ASA Awards of Excellence reward sonographers whose commitment to excellence best informs our profession. These annual awards honour outstanding achievements in sonography and recognise excellence, best practice and contributions to sonography. It is these sonographers, along with our exceptional group of nominees, who are the pillars of our profession.

Awarded at the ASA Gala Dinner, as part of our ASA2024 Sydney International Conference, we bestow our heartfelt congratulations to the following winners:

Sonographer of the Year New South Wales – Robyn Boman, AFASA

Robyn Boman has demonstrated exceptional dedication and clinical excellence, particularly in the past year.

Through her PhD research with Western Sydney University, Robyn developed an innovative ultrasound method to assess the proximal dorsalis pedis artery, revealing significant findings about rheumatoid vasculitis.

In addition to the PhD, she also supported colleagues at NSW Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network and IVF clinics.

Robyn also teaches point-of-care ultrasound to emergency doctors and rural GPs and volunteers internationally, including teaching in Tonga, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea. 

Sonographer of the Year New Zealand – Jo McCann

Over the past 12 months, Jo McCann has led Hutt Hospital's ultrasound department through turbulent times as Acting Charge Sonographer, building a cohesive, skilled team. Jo has introduced evidence-based protocols, notably improving thyroid nodule assessment and overall service quality.

She has championed Point of Care Ultrasound training, enhancing patient care and reducing wait times. Additionally, Jo has contributed as a Clinical Lecturer at Otago Medical School and engaged in extensive ultrasound outreach in the Pacific, improving local ultrasound standards.

Her advocacy for the profession includes addressing workforce shortages and representing New Zealand sonographers on various committees and boards.  

Sonographer of the Year Queensland – Aaron Fleming 

Over the past 12 months, Aaron Fleming has achieved significant recognition for clinical excellence. Aaron delivered the most-watched presentation at the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference and has been invited to speak at prestigious events, including the MSK Australia lower limb masterclass and at the most recent ASA Conference in Sydney.

He has conducted educational events for sonographers in Far North Queensland and the Sunshine Coast and co-presented at Canon Medical Anatomy Day. Additionally, Aaron trains rural doctors in ultrasound techniques and mentors sonography students at QUT.

Aaron founded "sonography secrets," an online account with over 3,500 followers and 500,000 views, showcasing innovative educational content. Aaron's efforts inspire others and advance the field of MSK ultrasound. 

Sonographer of the Year South Australia – Dr Kate Russo

Dr Kate Russo excels in O+G ultrasound, clinical teaching, and research, with a patient-centric approach to enhance sonography practices. She has recently presented at both ASA2023 and ASA2024, and has lead a number of workshops and webinars throughout the year.

Kate advocates for gender-inclusive care, presenting on this at the ASA conference and recording a podcast. Collaborating with Adelaide's Gender Diversity Clinic, she ensures transgender individuals receive appropriate ultrasound care. She contributed to the New Parents New Technology study, highlighting fetal bonding.

Kate secured an ASA clinical audit grant and developed a protocol for managing high-BMI patients, approved for statewide implementation. As part of the South Australian Preterm Birth Alliance Project, she educates sonographers on cervical length screening, focusing on rural and remote areas.

Sonographer of the Year Victoria – Margaret Condon

Margaret Condon has made significant contributions to the field in the last year. Margaret had two posters accepted for the ASA Conference, was an invited speaker at the ASUM conference, and presented a highly-rated webinar on ovarian torsion for IMED Australia, which led to improved clinical protocols at their hospital.

Margaret also developed an in-house protocol for fetal Doppler assessment and continued to teach obstetric ultrasound to trainees, enhancing pregnancy outcomes. Completing a Masters of Ultrasound at UniSA, Margaret keenly shares knowledge with the team.

Margaret has contributed to various committees and initiatives, including an in-house fetal Doppler accreditation program and ovarian torsion audit, which improved detection rates and policies. Margaret's leadership has been pivotal in mentoring staff into leadership roles, and the team was runner-up in the IMED Australia-wide awards for Employee Engagement. 

Sonographer of the Year Western Australia – Dr Sandra O'Hara, FASA

Dr Sandra O'Hara, serving as Deputy Ultrasound Supervisor at SKG Radiology in Perth, plays a pivotal role in training and education. Sandra oversees the ultrasound training program, particularly focusing on obstetrics, and provides guidance on obstetric cases to sonographers and radiologists.

Her involvement extends to facilitating university requirements for students and mentoring them, leading to six students qualifying as entry-level sonographers in the past year. She also contributes to various committees and initiatives, such as the Clinical Standards Committee of SKG Radiology and the cervix guidelines steering committee for the ASA. Sandra also actively participates in research projects and educational workshops, showcasing a commitment to advancing the field of medical ultrasound. 

Sonographer of the Year Tasmania – Cynthia Dawes

Cynthia Dawes has a growth mindset and a vision to elevate the profession. In 2022, Cynthia founded "Tasmania Imaging" in Launceston to enhance the reputation of sonographers and rebuild relationships with healthcare providers in Northern Tasmania. She identified gaps in ultrasound standards and has since been raising awareness and providing training to address these gaps. 

In 2023, Cynthia facilitated the 1st trimester workstation at the RACGP POCUS training event and published an article in the Sonography Journal. She also held multiple meetings with GPs and obstetricians to advocate for the sonographer’s role. On Australasian Sonographers Day, Cynthia educated primary school students about sonography, fostering curiosity and awareness. 

Sonographer of the Year ACT – Rob McGregor, FASA

In a senior role at a private radiology practice, Rob McGregor has enhanced scanning protocols and developed documentation for erectile dysfunction sonography. Rob has delivered extensive out-of-hours training for early career sonographers in MSK and vascular sonography.

Over the past year, Rob has increased mental health awareness within the profession, advocating against stigma and providing support on issues such as domestic violence. Rob's advocacy extends to addressing challenges within the sonography field, including the Medicare benefits schedule and volume scanning concerns. Rob mentors early career sonographers, fosters university training relationships, and contributes to course reviews and discussion forums. 

Researcher of the Year – Dr Michelle Fenech, FASA

Dr Michelle Fenech has dedicated herself to advancing sonographic research and empowering fellow clinical sonographers.

Through participation in an early career researcher program, Michelle has increased publication output and formed collaborative research teams.

Her philosophy of "build and empower as you climb" drives her to mentor and elevate others in research skills and scholarly output. In 2023-2024, she conducted ten research studies covering various sonographic areas, contributing significantly to the field's knowledge base.

Michelle commitment to enhancing sonographer-led research demonstrates a passion for advancing sonography practice and education. 

Tutor of the Year – Lewis Newman

In the past year, Lewis Newman has taken on the role of Tutor/Supervisor Sonographer for Northern Tasmania, following eight years in a similar role in North West Tasmania. Lewis has established a structured training program focused on quality and capability, which is especially crucial in a remote and disadvantaged area.

Through careful management, Lewis has supported trainees facing physical and mental health challenges, ensuring their progress. Adapting to individual needs, he has provided tailored training, including extra sessions for confidence-building and specialised protocols. Lewis prioritises feedback, conducts mock exams, and fosters a culture of continuous learning and humility, ensuring trainees are well-prepared and confident in their roles. 


The Sue Caitcheon Memorial Award ASA Volunteer of the Year – Dr Ann Quinton, FASA

Dr Ann Quinton has made significant contributions to the field through her volunteer work and professional development initiatives. Serving on the Editorial Board and Editorial Committee for the Sonography journal since 2014, Ann provides valuable feedback and peer reviews, contributing to the advancement of sonography.

Ann's involvement in various committees and projects, such as the ASA Women’s Health SIG and the development of guidelines for cervical assessment, demonstrates her commitment to improving standards in the profession.

Additionally, Ann's volunteer work with Radiology Across Borders and efforts in supporting sonography students reflect a passion for education and making a difference in the global healthcare community. 

See the 2024 Pru Pratten Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

See the 2024 Fellowship Inductees

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