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A message from ASA President, Anthony Wald

I am delighted to be the next ASA President. Thank you to everyone who has sent me, and the ASA office, messages of support since the announcement. Since joining the organisation in 2017, it has been an honour to work with two exceptional past Presidents of the ASA, Dr Jennifer Alphonse, and more recently, Mr Ian Schroen. They have left a huge legacy and have set a high bar for Presidents to come. 

I want to take this opportunity to formally acknowledge the dedication and hard work from Ian during his time as President. He guided the Board and the ASA through the COVID pandemic, which for any leader, was a huge challenge to face, especially after recently stepping into the role. Thank you Ian, you have done a wonderful job in trying times.  

The ASA is now leaning into a post-pandemic phase, allowing us to focus again on our core values, strategic intent, our members and corporate partners. Under the guidance of our new CEO Tony Coles, I have no doubt that the ASA will continue to deliver on these.  

I look forward to working closely with the ASA office staff, who work tirelessly to bring members incredible activities, support and overall value. Without their continued efforts in delivering our outstanding CPD offerings, events, marketing, member services, growth and partnerships, advocacy, finance and general business as usual, the ASA would not be in the strong position it is today. 

And finally, the current Board and I thank you for your support - it’s going to be a busy year. 

Anthony Wald

ASA President

Other items of interest
Our platinum partners
Canon Medical
GE Healthcare